Last Updated: 11/01/2022
Election Adjustments
The Adjustments tab of Election Worker Portal allows administrative users to see the list of adjusted worker positions and shifts at a glance.
Shifts are listed within the table, and the status of each shift is indicated with the following key:
- Reserved Pollworker: A worker has been assigned to the shift, but the shift has not been published.
- Published Shift: A shift has been published and the workers assigned to the shift now have the ability to Accept or Reject the shift (if enabled).
- Reschedule Shift: A shift that was previously accepted by a worker now has a request to be rescheduled.
- Rejected Shift:—The assigned worker has rejected the shift.
- Accepted Shift:—The assigned worker has accepted the shift.
- Split Adjustment Shift—The shift has been adjusted and a worker has been assigned.
When making adjustments to election work, you have several options, which are listed below.
Adjust a Worker's Schedule
Note: This procedure explains how to adjust a worker's previous shift from the Election tab. You can also adjust a worker's schedule on the Work Assignments tab in a worker's record. See Manage Worker Assignments for more information on that procedure.
- Go to the Election tab.
- Locate the row for your election and click Adjustmentsin the Actions column. The Adjustments page displays.
- Locate the location, date, and position:
- Select a specific type from the drop-down, if needed.
- Select the Election Day, Early Voting or Election Center Location name.
- For the Early Voting and Election Center types, select the week you are adjusting.
- Select a specific position, if needed.
- Click the icon for the worker you are adjusting. A popup displays the election worker's name and the option to either adjust or remove worker.
- Click Adjust to open the election worker's work assignments.
- Adjust the Number of Units, Rate, Lump Sum, Auto Pay, or Total Amount, as needed.
- Click Adjust in the row for each pay item you adjust to save your changes. A confirmation window appears.
- After completing the adjustments to the work assignments, you can preview the amounts that will be paid for the election on the Payroll report.
View Adjustments Made to Elections
To view workers previously assigned a schedule:
- On the Elections tab, find the row for your election and click Adjustments.
- Select the Election Day or Early Voting location.
- Selection the Position.
- A list of workers assigned to the election and position appears. Click on a position in the list to see workers previous workers assigned to the position.
- Select the date in the table for the position you'd like to view. A list of assignments appears.